With the reading of Bart Bass' will, Chuck, Jack, and Blair learn the fate of the Bass empire. Rufus and Lily's relationship becomes strained as Rufus seeks details about the child he never knew he had. Noticing that his father is acting strange, Dan does some investigating of his own and discovered Rufus and Lily's secret, putting him in a very awkward situation of deciding what to do with the shocking revelation.
Dan: Through all this I had so many thoughts going through my head, but the one that kept popping up again and again: what does this mean—for us?
Serena: I don't know, but we'll figure it out. Because I know no matter what I want to be with you.
Dan: Me too.
Blair: (reading the letter) Dear Son, I know I've always been hard on you—
Chuck: True.
Blair: —but my goal was always to prepare you for this day. To help you go from being a boy to a man.
Chuck: An Italian au pere took care of that.
Blair: Chuck, please. Sadly, there is nothing like the passing of a father to aid in this rite of passage for his son. Ultimately I do feel that I did my job and you are prepared for this next chapter of your life. Therefore I am bequeathing to you the majority share of Bass Industries.
Chuck: Surely that's a mistake.
Nate: Hey! Thought you might need some backup.
Chuck: Thanks. Let's go.
Lily: Oh hey. I was just going to call down and have our car brought around.
Rufus: I don't think I'm ready to go.
Lily: Rufus.
Rufus: What Lily? The family could change their mind. We should write them a letter and explain that we just want to meet the boy.
Lily: The parents don't want that.
Rufus: What about what I want? This works out well for you. You don't want to meet your son.
Lily: Oh. You don't think I haven't thought about this boy every day of his life? You want to meet him. Have you thought about what happens after that? What if we find out he's had a horrible life? Or what if we instantly love him and then it's very clear that we've made a terrible mistake?
Rufus: My only fear is feeling like we failed to try everything.
Lily: Well we can keep trying from New York. We don't have to stay here.
Rufus: Why not, Lily? It's another day. Is that too much to ask?
Lily: Yes. Yes it is. Because this whole search has been so excruciating I don't want to go through it anymore. I don't want to spend another day—yet another minute trapped in this hotel room scared that you're going to hate me forever. When I'm still in love with you.
Blair: It's too late, Chuck. I stood by you through all of this but I can't watch you self-destruct any longer.
Chuck: Jack set me up.
Blair: There's no one to blame but yourself. I believed in you. Your father believed in you. You are the only one who didn't. All I wanted to do was just... be there.... But today when you called me your wife, you made it sound like the ugliest word in the world.
Chuck: Blair, please.
Blair: Sorry. But I'm done.
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